So You Want to Chant Om & Namaste workshop

So You Want To Chant Om? It's clear many of you want to learn about this! Last month's live workshop left 50+ people ready to engage with real meaning and earnesty. It was incredible how many wanted to act on what they learned.

Using Om and Namaste with respect is education that never stops, it's as eternal as the mantras themselves. We're here to help you on the learning journey. The workshop is soon to be widely available!

In this workshop you'll:
- Gain knowledge of what spiritual words and mantras really mean
- Become excited to explore and share with the world what you've learned!
- Grow ready to lead your practices with wisdom-led authenticity

Learn about the roots and uses of these two words, and the issues and concerns about their use in Yoga and wellness spaces. Explore chanting Om, learn alternative phrases to share what you really mean and ideate your own authentic messages.

We've got sliding scale pricing to make it accessible-- choose $50, $40, or $30. Here's the link to book! Access to the recording lasts through May 31.

Thanks for helping to create this beautiful community and being so thoughtful in your self-education.




A question for & about white women


White women co-opted pandemic yoga. Now, South Asian instructors are taking it back.