Wellness isn't welcoming in Today.com

ICYMI 🔜 brief update from me and the 🦵🏾 and a few updates from you/the community! Plus a special On-Demand Chakra 🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣⚪️ series program launch.

My mother's knee surgery recovery is going well, pain is showing up in different and new ways daily and at the same time she's taking advantage of rest and having someone available to care for her. :) I've climbed quite a few stairs over the last seven days!

Here's a brief and sundry update:

Published in Today.com

A new piece titled "Wellness isn't always Welcoming. Meet the women bringing change to the industry" went live last week. It features me and Jesal as we represent the mission of our Yoga is Podcast and our views on Toxic Positivity. It also showcases a diverse group of Black women sharing their experiences in Wellness. I'd love to hear how this article makes you feel. Click here to read.

On Ancestry and Toppling Statues // Student Spotlights*

"I have a friend that is very into genealogy and she got me into it too, though I am not as dedicated as she is. I found out one of my ancestors was a slave owner, and acquired land from, I believe, the Pequot. This has been hard on me to work through and is still a work in progress. Asked my friend how she handles it, and instead of a thoughtful answer, got to hear how upset she is about the removal of her ancestors statues (the same ones my family, friends, and I have been celebrating the removal of). I love her, but the statues of Lincoln and Grant can go. Ending systematic racism is so much more important than a pile of bronze."​

THIS. This statement y'all. Thank you for sharing so openly and vulnerably about what this time is bringing to the surface for you. I share this message with permission and in the hopes that anyone else experiencing any piece of this can find resonance and solace.

On that note, another student in this community, the esteemed @artcrimeprof Erin Thomspon, has contributed thoughts also to The Today Show on what the deal really is on toppling statues. Click here to read her take.

The Chakras, all 7 of them

I began offering meditation right when I started offering movement-focused classes online. It was an intuitive "I need this " kind of move. In the first 16 sessions, I shared solely about the primary chakra system. I really enjoy the deep and layered study of the chakras and the relationship they evoke to my personal energy. Yet, I find much of the language used to work with the chakras to be highly interpretational and not always grounded to earth. Finding the right fit when studying the chakras is just like picking the right ice cream flavor at the creamery. I mean if the person behind the counter is open to letting me have a dozen tiny taster size spoons of ice cream, I'm probably going to try them all to know which flavor I like best because yum and Yay!

I suggest you do the same! So here I am, behind the counter inviting you to try my program that breaksdown the 7 primary chakras over eight pre-recorded sessions. Who knows, maybe my approach will be just right! I offer readings about each chakra from the glorious, big, orange book Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha. Click here to learn more.

Members and Students

A huge thank you to everyone that participated in Guest Teacher Week last week! Remember to send in your feedback using the link from my previous email.

All practices videos are up to date on YouTube as of Super Sunday! Enjoy and as usual I appreciate hearing your comments and reflections.

Reserve your next practice at tejalyoga.com


That's a wrap from me tonight. Thank you for your community vibes. I'll leave you with this final thought from last week's meditation with JP: Fill your cup so you can share the overflow.



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Complexity of Spiritual Bypassing


USA Today: Wellness isn't always welcoming. Meet the women bringing change to the industry